On a bright summer afternoon in 2002, the Emanuel Ungaro haute
couture collection for the fall was presented at the Carreau du
Temple in Paris. By a twist of fate, the handful of internet editors
that then covered Paris fashion were seated on a long row together,
and I found myself placed directly beside fashionlines' editor-in-chief
Christine Suppes. Not only did she look the part of an international
fashion expert, dressed as she was in an understated Chanel ensemble,
but her knowledge of the movers and shakers of the business left
an indelible impression. By the time the last beaded Cambodian-inspired
creation passed down the runway, I had in my hand a professional
card with www.fashionlines.com printed in pastel colors. Some days
later, I got around to clicking on the address, there to find the
first class presentation that has come to define fashionlines.
The artistry of the layout and the clarity of the photography convinced
me then that the quality presented on the site rivaled that of
the most venerable print magazines.

'East Meets West'
Though I am a true (born and bred) New Yorker, and feel very
attuned to the city, I cherish the ability to quickly touch
bases with the West Coast thanks to my association with Christine
and Fashionlines. And I adore having the opportunity to contribute
to Fashionlines, bringing a bit of the 'Big Apple', as
New York Editor. Working alongside all of you is very enjoyable and something
to be proud of.
The highlight of this relationship was my recent
trip to San Francisco where I attended the fabulous Academy of Art
Institute's graduating student's fashion show and the memorable dinner Christine
and Pat hosted afterwards. I must say, San Francisco seemingly
has it all: food, fashion, art, shopping, ambiance, and climate.
I hope to have more reasons to come out West in the future.
Happy Anniversary!

for fashionlines was a big turn over in my career, not only for
the opportunities they gave me to cover some of the most important
fashion shows of the world, but also for being able to shoot
amazing fashion editorials. I only learned what the
word "high couture" really meant after I met Christine

Love at the First Sight of Manolo
Manolo Blahnik is not only
a virtuoso with shoes, he is also a matchmaker. Let me explain…
I wore this beautiful pair
of black satin stilettos (complete with miniature rhinestone
stars) to my friend Alexandra Suppes’ graduation
dinner. I must admit they were fierce. Fashionlines editor-in-chief
Christine Suppes (Alexandra’s mother and an owner of the
exact same delectable pair) approached my group to introduce herself.
The Chanel wrapped glamazon struck me with awe and a healthy dose
of aspiration. My eyes traveled (in retrospect, I believe my eyes
were lured, or perhaps, compelled by some force) from her clear
blue eyes down to her feet. Her perfectly pedicured toes nestled
elegantly atop a pair of gorgeous Manolos embellished with crimson
coral. I looked up. Our eyes met. It was love at the first sight
of Manolo.
It is said that every journey begins with a single step. Three
years and numerous runway reports later, I not only agree with
this truism, but also have addendum: the best way to step out and
up is in Blahniks.

started out as a Fashionlines aficionado: pouring
over exclusively filtered coverage of the season’s best;
admiring “Jewels by Christine”; tapping my brain for
possible avenues to lead me into the staff’s distinguished
entranceway. Somehow, I managed to wiggle myself through the cracks
to become much more than a mere admirer – I became the
youngest reporter on staff. As a member of the acclaimed Fashionlines
family, my gratitude and sheer bliss for being part of such an
incredible publication, amongst such incredible people, has yet
to wane.
One of my most cherished memories was the afternoon Christine
and I spent in London during the 2004 holiday season. Christine
is a woman who refuses to sacrifice fashion for comfort; attempting
to chase a cab in a high traffic, unfamiliar area is never easy
in high heels, but at least she did it with flair and elegance
in her Chanel tweed pumps. As usual, Christine’s unparalleled
generosity was overflowing that day: she brought me to the National
Gallery’s Raphael exhibition; treated me to a delightful
lunch at Claridge’s; even surprised me with a darling Vivienne
Westwood coinpurse. (I know Christine will be in the books as the
best boss ever. Where else is anyone going to find a fun, intelligent
woman who not only treats her employees out to lunch, but tosses
in a few Westwood, Chanel and Hermés accessories here and
And yet, Christine’s generosity far exceeds the physical;
she has a singular way of offering an abundance of genuine warmth
and support to those she cares for, and these gifts manage to shadow
even the most beautiful coinpurse or Hermés bracelet. Christine,
I love you dearly and thank you from the bottom of my heart for
all the invaluable experience and knowledge you have given me.
Your words of wisdom that I will treasure forever:
- Never settle for less than you deserve.
- Always aim for the best.
- Never drink beer, only champagne.
Coco Chanel one said, “There is no time for cut-and-dried
monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves
no other time!” When I think of Fashionlines, I
think of a staff who banishes monotony and chooses to fuse their
work with their love of discovering the beautiful in people and
in the fashion they wear. That leaves no other time, and only their
passion remains.

A Fashionlines Memory
I do not think life gets any better than to spend a week in Paris
with your best friend during Fashion Haute Couture. Just imagine
your work as a pure fashion fantasy, every trace of reality is
erased from your schedule and your days are waking up to a cup
of café crème, a croissant, and the bells of Saint
Sulpice. After waking to so many delights it is time to dress up
in your iconic fashion favorites and get ready to spend your whole
day with your dearest girlfriend reviewing Haute Couture. This
was my dream come true. I was flying in from London where I had
just spent a week with my other best friend (my husband), but somehow
fashion is not the same with him. In London I would put on my flat
Burberry “walking” boots and take the city by foot,
so I was prepared to do the same in Paris. Our favorite fashion
editor, Christine, said,” just put on your heels and fur
and you’ll be ready for anything that should come our way,” I
had no idea how necessary theses two fashion essentials would be.
I did have one trepidation, I told Christine I could not make it
through the whole day walking in high heels, to which Christine
replied,” Oh Margaret, you do not understand, we are not
walking, we have Bruno, our driver”! Just when I was thinking
my fashion fantasy could not get any better, I find out I can wear
my fishnets and four inch heels in January in snow and not get
cold or ruin my shoes, and arrive at every event looking fresh!
The dream was real, we would start our day at 9am and end at midnight
and there was not a dull moment or rather not a moment that was
not beautiful and fun! As there was no time for changing during
the day, the fur coat and high heels were the perfect choice for
looking “chic” and keeping warm, and of course with
Bruno on call for us, the minute we would start to feel the chill
on our legs, there he was to sweep us off to the Ritz, The Crillon,
The Intercontinental, etc.
This fashion fantasy hit an all time high note at the Christian
Lacroix Haute Couture Show. I have never seen so may beautiful
dresses in succession and probably never will again, I do not know
how even Mr. Lacroix could top this collection. These designs were
conceived in a beautiful dream and sewn with such care by the “petites
mains”. Our seats were front and center; this fashion experience
was “La crème de la crème”! But little
did I know that this fashion highlight would continue, I was delighted
to become part of Christine’s fairytale and travel with her
to LA for the fitting of one of Mr. Lacroix’s beautiful creations
and lucky for us we know how to enjoy our fashion treats and we
had another wonderful memory in LA!

Having Fashionlines in my life has given me an opportunity I could
never dream of. This is the ideal place to my express creativity,
as I get to put my graphic touch around articles that deserve nothing
but the most beautiful and careful treatment. Our team is invigorating
and inspirational. Our topics are educational and fun. Our structure
is never mundane or static. There is always something going on
in the world of fashion, and for six years, Fashionlines has been
on the front end of it all, letting the world know what we think.
I only hope that we have a bright future that builds on our exquisite
past. Congratulations Christine and the entire Fashionlines team—beautiful

Fashionlines could not have
come this far for this long without our amazing writers, photographers,
and artists. I want to say THANK YOU to all of our staff
and faithful readers for making this magazine a success.