Animal Magnetism from Jean Paul Gaultier
PARIS, February 28, 2006 - Jean Paul Gaultier's show could easily be
remembered for the animal accessories - an owl fluttering on its mistress's
bejeweled glove, a shy greyhound shrinking from the glare of photographers
flash, a fluffy feline nestling in a model's arms and even a reticent Afghan
hound replete with dread locks. But the real story of Tuesday's presentation
was the thread of eroticism that fluttered through the collection like the
sheer curtains suspended above the catwalk.
Playing again on the theme of his new unisex cologne, Gaultier sent out both
male and female models and you didn't have to look very hard to see the
enticements: the curve of a hemline gracefully draping the legs, the shiny
leather of a crocodile corset peeking from beneath a knit top or the shimmer
of an evening gown wrapped in a veil of dewy tulle. Then there was a skirt
dripping in jet beads, or the curl of transparent chiffon falling ever so
seductively over an emerald-green velvet skirt like discarded hosiery. And
things were heated on the men's side too - one male model was poured into a
pair of charcoal-gray tights, and another sported a fox pelt over his
shoulder. The resulting magnetism almost leapt out of the cologne bottles and
onto stage. Jean Paul Gaultier is a master at using clothing to portray an
erotic life outside them.
