 In your Teenage Years
Belle: Lindsay Lohan for her freckly doll-face
Common Problems: acne, oily T-Zone, blackheads
What you should know: Teenagers' tendency to use
products loaded by benzyl peroxide and salicylic acid to
treat oily, acne prone skin leaves the dermis extremely
vulnerable to the sun. Teenage years are the "preventative
years." Young people should take utmost care to wear sunscreens,
containing SPF, UVA and UVB filters. Sun damage incurred
early in life begins to show its detrimental effect, as
the skin's collagen starts to diminish 1.5% every year in
Useful Tips: Strong soaps and excessive scrubbing does
not heal acne. Wash the face with a mildly medicated agent
no more than two times a day to keep the skins natural oil
levels balanced. Refrain from picking at blemishes. Always
wear an oil free moisturizer.
Fashionlines Recommends: In order to treat
blemishes and prevent future breakouts use the Proactiv
System. The mild yet extremely effective formulation of
the product produces great results that last. Also, invest
in a tube of Neutrogena's Healthy Defense untinted daily
moisturizer with SPF 30.

 In your 20s
Belle: Supermodel Adriana Lima for her photo finish perfection
Common Problems: excess sebum, acne, oily T-Zone, blackheads, whiteheads, dry skin
What you should know: Though skin problems often associated with teenagers are expected to fade away by college years, many 20 somethings continue to struggle with them. Sporadic breakouts and oily T-zones are the most cited complaints of this age group. If you are already in the working world, slaving away 8 hours a day in an air-conditioned office, you may also add to this list dry skin. Please note that acquiring good habits at this point in time can prove to be your biggest weapon against Father Time. In order to prevent the formation of fine lines, begin using the cleanser, tonic and moisturizer trio religiously.
Useful Tips: Perfectly moisturized skin is supple, smooth and glowing skin. Even oil prone skin may need moisturazation. The oily film over your complexion, all the rice paper reserves in the world cannot blot away, could be hiding a parched dermis underneath it. To attack this problem at its core, find a top notch moisturizer and use it despite the fear of occasional blemishes.
Fashionlines Recommends: The holy trinity of skin salvation is a mild cleanser, a non-alcoholic tonic (capable of thoroughly cleaning the pores) and a good moisturizer that is suitable for your particular skin type. In addition to applying these products twice daily, scrub your face with a gentle exfoliator once a week, paying extra attention to black-head prone zones. To prevent pores from getting clogged, always opt for non-comedogenic products. If you see any signs of premature aging, don't hesitate to add an anti-aging cream to your daily routine. Finally, for optimum results give Biotherm's Aquasource series a try. Aquasource's pure concentrate of mineral-rich Thermal Spring Water revitalizes skin and improves skin texture with the equivalent of 5,000 liters of enriched water in each bottle. Skin is instantly refreshed, protected and hydrated, supple and silky soft, perfectly revitalized throughout the day.

In your 30s
Belle: Charlize Theron for her alabaster complexion
Common Problems: Dark spots, matteness, dullness, dryness, early signs of aging
What you should know: The bad new is, once people turn 30, with the slowing rate of cell production, the natural glow of skin begins to fade. Consequences of late night partying, drinking and smoking begin to manifest in the form of dull, lackluster skin that is beginning to lose its elasticity. The good news is, when you begin to lead a more stable and healthier life, your skin will adjusts to these positive changes. But ultimately, 30s is when we begin to pay for youthful indirections.
Useful Tips: If you do not already own it, immediately invest in a premium jar of eye cream. The sensitive, paper-thin skin around the eyes is the first indicator one's age. Then, regain your radiant luminosity by using products containing antioxidants and erase dark marks left over from lazy days on the beach with hyper-pigmentation correctors. Finally, in order to reverse the damages inflicted on the dermis during the day, go to bed wearing a rich night cream.
Fashionlines Recommends: Darphin Stimulskin line works wonders. All Darphin skincare products are designed to delight the skin while promoting well-being and beauty. They are developed using exclusive formulas and ingredients drawn from the very heart of nature. Darphin Stimulskin products are among the company's most recent innovations with effects based on oceanic and botanical discoveries.

In your 40s
Belle: Demi Moore for her time defying allure
Common Problems: Deepening lines, sagging, uneven skin tone
What you should know: The unmerciful effects of gravity begin to show after age 40. Suddenly the cheeks begin to sag and facial features lose their sculpted definition. The cause of this wilting is the reduction in the body's collagen production. Also, in this period, cell reproduction slows down; meaning dead layers of skin cannot be shed quickly.
Useful Tips: Use heavier nourishing moisturizers formulated to prevent moisture loss. Today developments in anti-aging cosmetology are achieving unprecedented results. Advanced anti-wrinkle and toning products and techniques delay the need for plastic surgery indefinitely.
Fashionlines Recommends: Kanebo's Sensai Series and Cellex-C products are proven to turn back the clock. Featuring Kanebo Cosmetics' acclaimed silk technologies, Sensai Silk helps maintain the skin's youthful firmness, which can decrease sharply from age 30.
It also minimizes dryness, fine lines and discoloration, and protects the skin against further effects of aging. Simple to use and singularly effective, Sensei Silk will redefine your approach to daily skincare - and put you on course for a lifetime of beauty.

 In Your 50s
Belle: Iman for her exotic splendor
Common Problems: Rapidly maturing skin (due to hormonal changes), deepening lines and sagging
What you should know: The hormonal changes triggered by menopause thin the skin. Bruises, sun damage and cuts heal slower than ever. Skin loses moisture and thus lines deepen and eyes look sunken. Also, the complexion may become highly sensitive and susceptible to breakouts.
Useful Tips: Nourish your skin not only with creams, but also healthy nutrition and vitamins. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and stress. Exercise regularly and drink lots of water.
Recommends: Estée Lauder's Re-Nutriv and Future
Perfect Series and Dior Prestige products are rich and luscious.
Powered by Padina - a unique sea plant that grows in its
own protective shell - and other sea-sourced ingredients,
the Re-Nutriv Re-Creation formulas help the calcium in your
skin perform its natural age-fighting tasks with optimum
