Coming Next Week
BIBA Vintage Extraordinaire

Every day Fashionlines receives several email questions ranging from how to become a fashion editor to Jennifer Aniston's zone diet. Some of these questions we can answer, others we obviously can not. We cannot tell you if Jennifer has put on weight recently. We cannot tell you if Jennifer and Brad are divorcing-and by the way, there are many of you out there who may have a case of "wishful thinking." We can give you a contact number for Andre Leon Talley, an editor at Vogue Magazine in New York. We can give our ideas (for what they're worth) for how to get into the fashion industry. If a twelve year old girl asks how she can become a fashion model (and we get this request each week) we will always counsel finishing high school and maybe considering modeling as a part time job during college.
We can venture guesses about where to find a red cashmere bathrobe (Barney's or Turnbull and Asser.) We can direct you in your search to find fashionable riding breeches (Polo Ralph Lauren.) For questions involving bondage clothes---and we get so many of these requests I can scarcely believe it-we can refer you to articles or fashion show reports in which this look was interpreted. If you want "the real thing," we suggest the Google search engine.
For the many requests regarding Armani Luminous Foundation, we refer you to our beauty article on the product by Beauty editor Angela Huff. Obscure art questions go to Features Editor Ann Seymour. New York Editor Marilyn Kirschner handles requests for vintage resources. Gardening questions are fielded by Darlene and Marty Bink. I try to attempt the rest of your questions, and I know some of our younger readers are surprised that I counsel school before fashion.
We know you are crazy about Basha jewelry, Marc Jacobs, Zac Posen and "sexy dresses from Shalini" because we receive requests for information each and every day. We know how much you love Brad and Jennifer, of course. A year ago our emails regarding this couple were running five times as high as any other subject. Margaret Pluvinage, our reporter at large, can report that she encountered Brad and Jennifer at the Emmy Awards last autumn, and that this was the nicest, most down to earth celebrity couple imaginable. So readers---you have great taste!
But guess what? Brad and Jenn have been almost wiped off the radar due to the unprecedented interest in Japanese hair straightening! We have never seen anything like this phenomenon. We simply will not recommend anything we ourselves have not tried, but do read our article on the West Hollywood spa Steam, and their hair straightening treatments in this issue.
As the Romans said, "Times change, and so do we."