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Luxury you can touch
At Gaultier's couture show last summer, this beyond beautiful cashmere coat stole the show

Jennifer Aniston
At the end of the day, a nice girl really does win.

Japanese hair straightening Ten thousand Fashionlines readers can't be wrong

Keira Knightley
If the PBS remake of the classic movie Doctor Zhivago wasn't enough to convince you that this was the new Lara, nothing else will.

Beth Bender's Get In Line eye stencils
You'll never need another makeup artist once you master this product.

Alligator handbags
April in Paris, 55 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA (415 7509910) as THE couture source

The Poetry of D.H. Rumsfeld
Bet you didn't know our Secretary of Defense has the soul of a poet

Hedi Slimane
This designer has single handedly brought men's fashion to new heights of greatness.

The one jacket you'll find in any aspiring twenty-something fashionista's closet will be Chanel.

Ciragan Palace Hotel, Istanbul
We send our love and best wishes to the people and city of Istanbul, and recommend this hotel as one of the finest we have ever experienced.

Steam, the mecca for straight hair in Los Angeles

April in Paris, April 4th, 2003

Domestic Violence
Fashionlines Favorite Christian Slater was subject to spousal abuse when his wife broke a bottle on him during a recent dispute. Statistically, husbands are still more likely to abuse their wives.

Paris Hilton
This poor girl already looks like she's had her fifteen minutes of fame and as though she's a plastic surgeon's future dream patient.

Tom Ford
All the best from Fashionlines.

Slutty looks for beautiful women
May the next YSL designer respect women. Dyed orange canaries When you see a bright orange canary, you know this poor bird has been injected with a dye that will enlarge the liver and kill the bird within months of his birth.

Dyed orange canaries
When you see a bright orange canary, you know this poor bird has been injected with a dye that will enlarge the liver and kill the bird within months of his birth

Berlusconi, Putin and Chirac
It's a crap shoot to pick the biggest criminal but Fashionlines puts these thugs in this order.

Eating salmon three times a day to improve your skin
What are you anyway--STUPID???

White wine and milk chocolate
So unhealthy the state of California is thinking of upping the taxes on them. But so yummy.

Little House on the Big Prairie we are not.
World leaders who behave like thugs.

Christian Slater (in blue shirt) with designer Jenni Kayne

Berlusconi, the worst

Drink the red, not the white

This world renowned San Francisco treat is now a no-no

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