Summer is here, and women across the land are
beginning crave leisurely days on the beach. After existing in dark
and cold corners for a whole season, reviewing popular travel destinations,
booking plane tickets and unearthing that itsy bitsy yellow polka
dot bikini are simply exhilarating—or
not. Let’s be honest, during winter, hidden under the protective
layers of thick winter clothes, our bodies can fall into a state of….how
do I put this…..disrepair. Come summer time, braving
the beach in a small piece of fabric can be terrifying. That is why Fashionlines
is publishing a complete and comprehensive guide to swimsuit fabulousness.

The rippled dimply skin around the hips and thigh
area is major source of insecurity among women. Believed to be a hereditary
trait that starts with puberty, cellulite plagues 80% of women. Though
a common occurrence, this unsightly condition is not an absolute destiny.
Cellulite develops when the body’s fat storage areas become blocked
as a result of ingesting toxins from sources like nicotine, alcohol,
and caffeine. Eliminating these contaminants from your life can help
erase the orange-peel look from your buttocks. Exercising regularly is
also prevents cellulite formation. Since physical activity converts body
fat into muscle and improves circulation, hitting the gym, if not to
lose weight and tone the body, will help in getting that perfect looking
behind. Keep in mind, exfoliation creams and body brushing too can help
break up fatty deposits resulting in a smoother appearance of the target
Fashionlines Tip: Clarins Body Firming Cream
gives the skin an instantly ‘lifted’ appearance.
After continuous use the sponginess is minimized, while the support fibers
of the skin are reinforced.

In January a girl can effectively hide the unsightly
view of hair growth, but in bikini season hair removal is a must. In
order to reveal the body in all its glory, one must first strip away
the natural but unappealing down covering it. There are a dizzying number
of procedures designed to do exactly this, but understanding the pro
and cons of each is crucial to making the right choices.
Bleaching works best for facial hair, but if
applied to overly sensitive skin, it can cause a rash. Depilatories
dissolve the hair shaft, but are unsuitable for facial applications.
As depilation does not get rid of the root, regrowth is usually speedy.
(Also many complain about the chemical smell associated with this method.)
Electrolysis, the practice of transmitting a low-voltage electric current
to destroy the papilla, is the most effective way to eliminate hair
in the long term. While a slight burning session can cause discomfort,
the intensity of the pain varies from individual to individual. Waxing,
ever more popular thanks to the Brazilians, is the perfect reason to
toss out the old razor. After waxing, skin is smooth (the wax removes
a considerable amount of dead skin cells along with hair) and regrowth
isn’t for at least a month.
Since there is quite a bit of pain involved in this process, many go
the route of shaving daily. However, cutting the hair follicle consistently,
without removing the root, strengthens the hair. So, women who refuse
dispense with the blade are bound to end up with darker, thicker, more
bristly growth.
Fashionlines Tips:
- 24 hours prior to bleaching facial hair conduct a patch test. This
will reveal any sensitivity to the chemicals in the product.
- Before waxing exfoliate your body in order to free ingrown hairs.
- If you decide to get electrolysis,
be very picky about the professional performing the procedure. Results
vary significantly depending on the technician’s skills.
- If you absolutely must shave, do it at the end of your shower. The
steam will open up the pores, affording a closer, smoother shave.

Protecting the skin from the sun’s harmful
rays is a serious matter people are finally beginning to grasp. Every
day, regardless of the weather report, it is essential to apply a
moisturizer with an SPF factor to the face and all other body parts,
not protected by clothing. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone sun damage
is the number one cause of wrinkles, crows-feet and discoloration. Besides
the fear of aging prematurely, the possibility of getting skin-cancer
(melanoma) is a major reason not to throw caution to the wind. Today,
this fatal form of skin cancer is striking at increasingly younger ages.
Long gone are the days of carelessly grilling under the sun slathered
in baby-oil. According to dermatologists, the worst kind of damage occurs
when skin is exposed to the sun extensively after a long hiatus. That
is why, regardless of the tone of your skin, use a cream with at least
SPF 15 in the initial days of a vacation all over your body and face.
You need not be lying by the pool when the damage occurs. You may get
burned while taking a walk on the beach or lunching on the patio!
Fashionlines Tips:
- Apply sun screen at least 20 minutes prior to going
outside. This time period will allow the SPF to set in and take effect.
- The most effective sun screens contain titanium dioxide,
zinc oxide or avobenzone, and octyl-methoxycinnimate (OMC). Read labels
before buying.
- The letters SPF stand for “sun protection factor”.
SPF is directly related to the skin’s natural protection time.
For instance, if you can stay in the sun with out burning for 5 minutes,
SPF 15 will protect your skin 15 times longer (5 x 15 = 30 minutes).
- Remain in the shade between 11 am and 3 pm, for this
is when the sun is the most intense.
- Apply sun screen every two hours and after swimming.
- If you develop moles after being in the sun, seek
a consultation with a dermatologist.

Not all bodies are created equal. Instead of obsessing
about skinny hanger models or voluptuous cover girls the healthiest approach
is to work on accentuating our best features. Every vacation, I observe
women with the potential to look amazing, sporting the worst bathing
suit for their body type. You can’t imagine my disappointment at
seeing pear shaped femmes with boys’ shorts. This attempt at camouflage
attracts more attention to their problem area. And speaking of fashion
mis-steps, why do some ladies insist on buying their bikinis from the
children’s department? Remember, too little fabric communicates
both a lack of class and touch with reality! Here is the Fashionlines
way to look chic, beautiful and sexy on la playa.

Fashionlines Tips:
- Be adventurous with colors. Try on bright hues and zingy tints. Juxtaposed
against bronze skin, vivid shades stand out.
- To give the illusion of an ample bosom, choose on an under wired
top with padding.
- If you are not comfortable with your midriff, buy a backless one
- To hide the thighs and buttocks, loosely tie a sarong around the
- Wear a black swimsuit for its slimming effect.
- Before opting for an intricate design with cut out panels think about
tan lines.
- Don’t forget that skimpy
does not necessarily mean sexy.