Coco Kliks has long been a Fashionlines favorite as the gifted designer has a tremendous capacity for innovation. Unbound by clichés and a steadfast devotion to a specific style, Coco always pushes the envelope. This spring abandoning the theatrical opulence of her Circus collection in favor of the “early European discovery of the rustic, yet noble civilization and untamed beauty of the pacific islands”, Coco proves once again that great fashion is animated by constant flux.
The new Coco Kliks collection is fraught with various washes and new innovative shapes; slightly reminiscent of the distinctive curvilinear shapes of Marni’s Consuela Castiglioni. However, the assorted prints and seashell accents, sprayed throughout the lineup, endow Coco’s modern forms with an exuberant island feel as opposed to an ultra-modern look. Similarly, the hourglass silhouettes, tightly clinched at the waist with cumberbunds, give Coco’s work an intriguing 19th century feel.
Ultimately, this spring the Coco Kliks woman will celebrate the delightful amalgamation of dissimilar elements (modern vs. vintage, islander vs. urban) which can successfully find balance in the harmony of clashes.