Photographed by Gabriel
10:30 on a Sunday morning can be a jarring moment to encounter "Fashion
People", especially of the ilk that arrived for the Elie Saab show. There was
the nice lady hidden behind dark sunglasses and carrying her yapping
Yorkshire Terrier - which in turn was wearing a glistening pearl collar. Then
there were sparkling sequined tops and florescent scarves (and that was only
the ladies), or the couple sporting 70's retro-afros. (Guests second row had
a pleasure tantamount to sitting behind Marge Simpson).
So when the show began, models stepped out from behind strands of chains to
take the ebony runway, and it was no surprise that the collection itself seem
to aim for bright lights and red carpet. The opening day wear was fluid and
enchanting, trimmed here and there with bows, pinned with floral brooches,
and ornamented with jet beads. Infinite variations on theme worked to expand
what could have been a concise statement into a 73-piece collection.
It wasn't long until high octane sparkle eclipsed everything, transforming
the show into a prime time spectacle. The fluttering pleats of one snow-white
Empire gown overlaid with a dusting of silver sequins could have served as
the quintessence of the collection. Exquisite and dazzling. But too much of
the same thing can lead to eye fatigue, but you'd never guess that judging
from ecstatic reaction on the front row.
