Notting Hill in London is home to Jade Jagger and other London luminaries, but it gained recognition in America as a movie with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. Its most famous street is undeniably Portobello Road, for decades a top source for vintage clothes, antiques, rare books and curios. Paris-based photographer Marie-Béatrice Seillant and I took a walk along this snaky street one cool summer day to discover the treasures we had long heard about. While the Portobello Road Market on the weekend is the reason most people go to Notting Hill, we were there on a quiet weekday. The merchants were happy to show us their wares, and I think that for a young couple setting up an apartment in London, a trip to this street would net them all sorts of chic dinner ware, Anglophile knickknacks and furniture. I especially adored the cashmere mittens and vintage porcelains, though the red cowboy boots at Jessie Western were wonderful and unexpected.
