Peter Jensen has successfully rendered the age-old Nordic commitment to utilitarian simplicity fashionable. The designer’s demure checkered coats belted into a bow beneath the bosom, modest bell shaped wool skirts, reserved button down shirts, and plain cashmere cardigans emphasize chic elegance sans ostentatious embellishments. Jensen’s masculine high-waisted trousers, quaint snow-flake jumpers, charming scenery print full skirts and proper velvet dresses are created with a minimalist philosophy that steers clear of contrived pretension. Unaffected and comfortable to the core these ensembles sing the praises of impeccable craftsmanship, architectural construction and crisp sophistication.
As opposed to lavish embellishments, intricate beadings, detailed embroideries, and fur accents Jensen relies on cute pompon hats, adorable hand knit bonnets, cozy braided scarves, and hand-painted wooden purses to spice things up. These lovely accessories are bound to hit the right note with bubbly teenagers brimming with youthful vitality.
However, the Kabuki-like painted faces (some of them scarily reminiscent of the Incredible Hulk’s angry glare) simply need to go. Such distracting overkill has no place in a collection defined by effortless grace.
