Picture This - The Artist As Illustrator is an exhibition of drawing and illustrations from Central School of Art and St Martins School of Art covering the past one hundred years. It is to include Fashion drawing and illustration, Illustration for Publicity, Posters, Childrens Book Illustration, Cartoons, and Comics etc.
The exhibition is curatored by Sylvia Backemeyer, Head of Museum and Study Collection. There will also be a book to accompany the exhibition. On the 15th April at 6 pm there will be a special evening in the gallery. This will cover the Fashion genre which is part of the exhibition.
Marie McLoughlin will interview Elizabeth Suter, Gladys Perint Palmer, Jo Brocklehurst, all leading artist, teachers and illustrators who are all from ex St Martin's students and teachers.
Elizabeth Suter was the principal lecturer in the fashion school for thirty years and also a leading fashion illustrator. She has been a great influence on students who are known particularly for drawing and design.
Gladys Perint Palmer, a student of Elizabeth Suter, is also a leading international illustrator and the Director of Fashion at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
Jo Brocklehurst a leading British Artist who is known for her work and subject of London subcultures is also an ex student of Elizabeth Suter and is a tutor at CSM.
Marie McLoughlin is a ex student of Elizabeth Suter and Gladys Perint and working on a special project for her PHD concentrating on the subject of the history of StMartins Fashion School and particularly Muriel Pemberton, who founded the school in the 1930's.
Fashionlines is pleased to share with our readers three of Gladys Perint Palmer's illustrations
Open: Monday - Friday 10am - 8pm
Admission: Free
Contact: 020 7514 7022, info@csm.arts.ac.uk, �http://www.csm.arts.ac.uk/
Picture This--The Artist As Illustrator
11 April - 21 May
Lethaby Gallery
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
Southampton Row, WC1 4AP |